Upgrade of our Degassers, "Degasys Ultimate" and "Degasys
Our degassers, "Degasys Ultimate" and "Degasys Populaire" are now equipped with an air trap
cartridge and have more enhanced chemical resistance against strong acidic solvents such as
formic acid. The service life of the air trap cartridge will be approximately five years with normal
use. The degassing efficiency remains as high as before this modification and the model
numbers will not be changed.
Only with the following cautions, the users will keep enjoying the stable and efficient performance
of our degassers :
- Use within the ambient temperature range of 10 through 40 degrees C.
- While the degassers are compatible with volatile organic solvents in general,
avoid using those that have a tendency to generate bubbles at the above
- Don't use with fluorine compounds and strong oxidization solvents such
as potassium peroxodisulfate.